Vol. 7, No. 20. In loving memory of Ginger Dunlap-Dietz. [SIC] Talks postponed, power's out, down bad, but posting through it. Open in a browser for a more intense sunset.
My dad told me tonight about Ginger. We are all sad, although I had a similar feeling to yours- that your mom went on true to her style. Biggest hugs to you, Isaac, your dad, and your family.
Sorry for your loss. You highlight a quality in her life that we would all benefit from practicing: the openness to serendipity. To experience the world, inherit what value you can glean from it, and to carry that ahead through life
Sorry for the loss of your Mom. She sounds like a wonderful human being. Love how you describe her. The photos are great too. Sending sympathies to you and your family.
Lovely tribute to your mother! I'm so sorry for your loss.
thank you, Katelyn. Really nice of you to say. Hope you and yours are well!
Hi Ben,
My dad told me tonight about Ginger. We are all sad, although I had a similar feeling to yours- that your mom went on true to her style. Biggest hugs to you, Isaac, your dad, and your family.
Steff Mt Pleasant Sorenson
thank you Steff. Really appreciate the kind words. Hope you and all yours are well - it's been forever!
😪Beautifully written.
so sorry to hear about your mom. she sounds rad. would love a subscription if you have any left.
Sorry for your loss. You highlight a quality in her life that we would all benefit from practicing: the openness to serendipity. To experience the world, inherit what value you can glean from it, and to carry that ahead through life
thank you for saying so, Zi. really appreciate it. you're spot on.
emailed you. Ochuko!
you bet, Ben. Thanks for the shout.
I’m so sorry for your loss Ben. Thinking of you today.
thank you Aaron ❤️🩹
Sorry for the loss of your Mom. She sounds like a wonderful human being. Love how you describe her. The photos are great too. Sending sympathies to you and your family.
thanks, Monica - she was indeed. really appreciate the kind words and the support. ❤️🩹